When purchasing semen please include the date you need it in hand and provide AT LEAST 14 days for delivery and 10 Days for equipment.

Bellissimo was added to the herd because he is a Alpha S1 “B” carrier. But honestly even if he wasn’t how could you go wrong with a pedigree like this. We are very happy with Bellissimo’s offspring. They have very good type with level toplines, and good feet and legs. His first daughters have freshened with well attached mammary systems they show improvements in strength of medial suspensory ligament, height and width of rear udders and smoothness and blending of the fore udder. Cheese makers here you go, production, correctness, longevity, and increased components all rolled into one beautiful buck.
Pictures courtesy of Tempo Dairy Goats. www.ruhigestelle.com
SS: “Elite”+*B SGCH Bearly Emperor Alakai
Sire: *B Bearly Alakai Glasgow
SD: SG Bearly Tri Paris 3*M 7-08 92 EEEE
DS: *B Tempo Aquila Rossini
Dam: Tempo Aquila Rossi Bella
DD: GCH Tempo Aquila Free Jacquie 7*M 3-09 92 EEEE