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B171 2Dox Bolero #10218349
B171 2Dox Bolero #10218349
2DOX Bolero is a gorgeous son of the two time ABGA 2002 and 2003 National Grand Champion and *Ennobled* buck Powell/Holman 2SIS139N Bingo. His dam is a Ram H Tobias *Ennobled* daughter. Bolero is a full brother to 2Dox Bingo Star *Ennobled*.
Bolero earned his US Ennobled Champion status in 2005 by winning three Grand Championships and two Reserve Championships at 2004 and 2005 shows.
2DOX Bolero stamps all of his kids with beautifully blended, high headed front ends and heavily muscled rear ends. He puts the best on both ends of his kids! ~ Steve and Debbie Myers