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D138 Algedi Farm DJ Encore D1599414
D138 Algedi Farm DJ Encore D1599414
Encore is a son of GCH ++*B Algedi Farm Drops Of Jupiter, the 2015 ADGA National Show Premier Sire, who also sired the 1st place Senior Get-Of-Sire at the 2015 ADGA National Show. Encore is a paternal brother to the following animals: *B Algedi Farm DJ Higgs Boson, LA 90 (EVE); Algedi Farm DJ Defying Gravity 4*M, LA 89 (VEVE); SGCH Algedi Farm DJ Honey Dew 5*M, LA 91 (EEEE); SG Algedi Farm DJ Amrita, LA 87 (VVVV); Alethia DJ Eye Of Jupiter, LA 88 (VEE); GCH +*B Algedi Farm Smokin Hot Honey, LA 89 (VEE); CH Algedi Farm DJ Splash O’ Honey, LA 90 (VVEE); CH Alethia DJ Starry Night, LA 89 (VEEE); Algedi Farm DJ Cadenza, LA 87 (VEEV); Alethia DJ Lost In Lace, LA 88 (VVEE) and 2nd place Two Year-Old at the 2015 ADGA National Show; CH Alethia DJ Eye Candy, LA 89 (VEEE) and 1st place Two Year-Old at the 2015 ADGA National Show; Alethia DJ Dancin In The Dark, LA 87 (VEVV); CH Algedi Farm DJ Busy As A Bee, LA 86 (+EVV); GCH Algedi Farm DJ Melodica 1*M, LA 90 (VEVE) and 6th place Four Year-Old at 2015 ADGA National Show; CH Algedi Farm DJ Tawari Honey, LA 90 (VEEE); CH Alethia DJ Written N The Stars, LA 91 (VEEE) and 5th place Three Year-Old at the 2015 ADGA National Show; Algedi Farm DJ Piper, LA 89 (VEE); and +*B Alethia DJ Triton, LA 85 (+EV).
Encore is also a maternal sibling to the following animals: GCH Algedi Farm MH Andante 1*M, LA 91 (EEEE) and 1st place 5/6 Year-Old at the 2015 ADGA National Show; CH Algedi Farm MH Aria, LA 90 (VEEV); GCH Algedi Farm DJ Melodica 1*M, LA 90 (VEVE) and 6th place Four Year-Old at the 2015 ADGA National Show; and Algedi Farm DJ Piper, LA 89 (VEE).
Tested CAE, Johne’s and CL negative in fall 2017. ~ Traci Clevenger