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L382 SG + *B Rockin-CB Ry Zoren AL1472105
L382 SG + *B Rockin-CB Ry Zoren AL1472105
Zoren is a long tall buck with a deep rear rib and great temperament. His dam, SGCH Rockin-CB QP Roman Design 1*M 5-06 92 (EEEE) was a tall doe with an exceptional mammary system, with an extremely high wide rear udder and having ideal teat size, shape and placement. At the 2006 ADGA National Show she was 1st place Four Year-Old and a member of the 1st place Dairy Herd.
Zoren was sold as a two year old, and we had been trying to get him back for the last 3 years! I am so thankful that we were finally able to do that. He was bred to the majority of our does breeding season 2015, and his 2016 kid crop are all that we had hoped for!
Zoren is passing on his dams’ exceptional mammary system to his daughters! In addition, his daughters are improved in stature and milk production. Both daughters currently in the herd, SGCH Rockin-CB RZ Ceylon 2-07 90 (VEVE) and GCH Rockin-CB RZ Belizze 3-06 90 (VEEE) are milking very well and on-track for a 3000+ pound lactation even with a grueling show season. ~ Cindy Silva