When purchasing semen please include the date you need it in hand and provide AT LEAST 14 days for delivery and 10 Days for equipment.

Being an example of longevity, Black Tie’s dam, GCH Goldthwaite My Bonny Love 5*M, 9-07 90 (VEEE) HES 92.5, won the 1999 National Show Production Award while placing 12th in her Aged Doe class. Also in 1999 she was Best-Of-Breed, Best Udder-Of-Breed and Best Doe-In-Show making it the third year in a row that she has been Best Doe-In-Show at the Tri-State Fair in Amarillo, TX. In 1998 she was 5xBest-Of-Breed and 2xBest Doe-In-Show, while in 1997 she was Grand Champion, Best Doe-In-Show and Best Udder-In-Show. In 2003, at age nine, she was still awarded the title of Best-Of-Breed – a grand old girl with a lifetime DHIR of 1449 15,160 679 590! Her daughters bear her resemblance exhibiting her strength and structural correctness, general appearance, exceptional dairy character and overall body length.
Black Tie is a growthy, tall and upstanding buck who is sharp and angular. Despite his long bone pattern he has a short pastern with good feet and a correct rear leg set. At his first show he placed 1st in all three rings with nine in his class. He went on to win Grand Champion earning his first leg as a yearling against 15 other senior Nubian bucks! In 2004 her earned his 2nd Grand Champion and is now just one leg from his permanent championship.
His yearling daughter, Hill’s Acres Charming Effects 3*M 1-03 Ec (EEE) was Junior Champion, earning her dry leg at her first show in 2002 and then went on to place fifth at the 2002 ADGA National Show in her large Senior Yearling class, as well as 5th place Five & Six Year-Old at the 2006 ADGA National Show. All of his kids exhibit improved dairy character, with flat yet strong bone and excellent width between the ribs. He has improved breed character in both head and ear on all of his kids to date. His first daughters are freshening with show quality udders that are well attached and capacious.