When purchasing semen please include the date you need it in hand and provide AT LEAST 14 days for delivery and 10 Days for equipment.

CC-A098 Kara-Kahl Invictus Rising Sun PA2288526
Pedigree link: https://genetics.adga.org/PedigreePrint.aspx?RegNumber=A002288526&fbclid=IwAR1B5nC5i9jPZFylfa7hWcrZG6B2slATYUGcJa748HfQjctfl-qrLSeIzws
Kara-Kahl Invictus Rising Sun (French)
Sunny‘s dam the beautiful GCH *9M Kara-Kahl PGW Akebono needs no introduction as the 2021 National champion and best udder Alpine doe. 06-05 EEEE 94 .
Sunny himself is an absolutely beautiful young buck. Tall , long , up hill and growthy. With lots of bone and great depth and spring . He has the wonderful dairy character and strength we strive for in our does. He is going to grow into an amazing mature buck.
And we truly feel that his daughters are going to be a tribute to his outstanding breeding.